Page 10: SME sites on the Web 

        I tried to test out my statements by explored the Web to search some Italian firms' sites on how they are organised and how they should be managed. As it could be expected, the Italian situation is rather bad, because most of the firms use the WWW as "shop-window" for the display of their products. Very often their sites consists of static pages which discounts the possibility of interaction with the user (in such a scenario, the potential customer would be unable to send an E-mail to the owner of the site). This kind of use of the Internet is too restricted. Very often the people who create and draw the Web pages for the firms do not understand the real needs of the firms or the interests of the user, thus wasting a good commercial opportunity. To avoid these problems, I wrote down a decalogue of parameters to define when the creation of a Home Page becomes necessary and what its contents should be. 

        There are only two positive points: one, the fact that the sites are no longer monopolised by firms within a high-technology sector (which implies that other sector are becoming increasingly involved with Internet), and second, the presence of projects like that one of the G7 "A GLOBAL MARKETPLACE FOR SMEs" which has led to the creation of an Internet site for SMEs, which in turn created an Italian site directly managed by the Ministry of Labour and Industry, with the main task of giving informations and easing the approach of SMEs to ICTs. 

Page 11: Demand and Supply 


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Last update: 15 July 2006